Erosion Control

A Note for Homeowners
Per Town Ordinance 116-26, homeowners are required to complete landscaping within 9 months of occupancy. Erosion control is required to prevent materials from leaving the construction site and creating problems for storm water management.

Examples of acceptable erosion control:

Acceptable Erosion ControlAcceptable Erosion Control 2

Silt sock is used to prevent materials from leaving the site which help contain costs for the Town regarding stormwater ponds.


**Minimum 1.5” Stone Tracking Pad Required        **Straw or Mulch new lawns

**Protect Inlets, Ditches, Streets, and Swales           **Silt Fence or Silt Sock Required


Final Grade and Landscaping must comply with all Drainage Plans drafted for the Development and surrounding areas!

Examples of unacceptable erosion control:

Unacceptable Erosion ControlUnacceptable Erosion Control 2

Improper erosion control results in materials in the street and in storm drains as well as sediment on the roads.

Contact us for questions regarding drainage plans or erosion control at 920-336-9131!

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